Friday, August 24, 2012

Shots and Sandwiches (08.24.12)


Today, we had another morning activity to wake up for. We decided to try some clay shooting, and it was my first time doing this as well as Mum's.

For those of you who don't know, I'll explain: There are many stations along a walk, and you go about a few of them depending on what you want. Each station has a machine out in a field that shoots out small black ceramic plates, about the size of a coaster. Each station also shoots them out from different places and at different angles, some of the challenging ones shoot more than one at a time (I was not so good with those). All of these stations are named after how they shoot / the animal movement they mimic - for example, the Rabbit station has a machine that shoots out the plates along the ground, and you have to aim at it as it rolls quickly across.

I was much better than I expected, to say the least. I don't know anything about guns, but tried out both a 28 and a 20, and enjoyed both (the smaller the number, the larger the gun). Dad shot with a 20 and a 12. Mum primarily shot the 28, though did not try all the stations we went to. I had particular luck with the Rabbit and the first station we shot at, which I can't remember the name, but was shot at the stand, and above the head.

Also, as I found when looking at these shots (mostly dad's), Allen makes some of the best faces.

After shooting, it started to rain, and we headed back for lunch. We munched on sandwiches as we watched families come in from watching the golf tournament in the rain. Deciding to avoid any gloomy outside activities, we decided to go hang by the pool. The main pool had a funky shape to it, which was fun, and it was very warm. A small pool to the side connected to a pool on the outside, which was very nice, and had seats on the side where jets shot out. The hot tub was nice but not very much warmer than the pool, and a lap pool behind the main pool was in use, though I did not bother to go in that one. After trying out each little location, I joined mum in reading on a lounge chair for some time.

Dinner was at the more fancier of the restaurants tonight, where I had my usual salad, and mushroom risotto along with Chilean red wine. I tipped off the night with a small cup of coffee as my parents ate ice cream. There was literally no one in the dining room when we arrived, but it had filled up considerably by the time we had gotten our starters. A piano player had been playing all throughout, which was rather nice.

I noticed a couple sitting a few tables away drinking either Rose wine or champagne. Apparently this has made a comeback, I've seen quite a bit of it here (supposedly this is no longer considered tacky). Guess it's not just for Rich Kids of Instagram anymore!

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